Monday, February 11, 2008

Falling Angels

Lillian and I started the day marvelling at how good we felt for the first time in weeks! And the kiddos were behaving remarkably well, too. After lunch, the sun was shining, the temperature was nearly 70, and we couldn't wait to spend sometime outside. Spend time outside, we did, but Lillian did it flat on her back and in severe pain. As we walked in our single file line on the way to the playground---Lillian at the front and me at the back---the children were fascinated by the construction work going on on the school grounds. One little guy was so fascinated, in fact, that he didn't watch where he was going. He cut right across the path in front of Lillian. She said she saw him coming and tried hard not to fall on him. She didn't but she did fall herself and right on top of another little boy. He bounced right up, crying with skinned side and a skinned knee, but Lillian was down for the count ,not getting up until the EMTs loaded her onto an ambulance about 30 minutes later. I rode along to the hospital with her. (Joe met me there so I would have a ride home). I didn't actually see Lillian again because her family went back with her but they reported to me that the ex-rays revealed no broken bones. Thanks heavens! She is badly bruised and will most likely be off work for awhile. She is still in pretty bad pain but she's also pretty mad that the EMT cut her shirt off and cut up the leg of her trousers!

When Lillian told her family that she fell on top of a little boy, thay all wanted to know if the kiddo was still alive! She had a good laugh in spite of the pain.

I'm so glad my friend is going to be okay!

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