Sunday, February 10, 2008

Motorcycle Maniacs

Well, maybe not exactly maniacs. I just wanted some alliteration! Today was my debut ride on the back of Joe's Kawasaki Concours. I resisted as long as I could---when he bought the helmet, I had no more excuses. So I put on my new $5 motorcycle boots, the helmet, a black leather jaclet (with buttons, no zippers), and some lime green gloves. Joe kept trying to give me black ones but I didn't want to look totally unlike myself! I hauled myself onboard and we took off. First, I couldn't believe I was on it. Then, I worried about being on it. I didn't like accelerating, but I also didn't like decelerating or stopping. Actually being stopped though was just fine! I didn't like hitting bumps in the road. Left turns were okay but right ones--not so much. I couldn't get into that "leaning" part. Also, I could't see where we were going, only where we'd been --when I looked in the rearview mirrors. After awhile, I just sat there. From actively worrying about being on the motorcycle, I sort of drifted off into my head. Talking was out of the question because Joe's helmet keeps him all closed in so... I just sat there, holding on very tightly and let my mind wander. Occasionally, I would worry about why I wasn't worrying. All in all, it was a good experience. The best part was how happy it made Joe that I was tailing along behind him.

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